Hanawa Castle[The feature on the castles; Japanese history]

花輪城:北条氏政と結託して下総を領有した高城胤吉の居城 花輪城【日本の歴史 お城特集】

[Castle name]
Hanawa Castle
Where Taneyoshi Takagi resided after conspiring with Ujimasa Hojo to possess it.

Hanawa Castle Ruins belonged to Taneyoshi Takagi whose base was Kogane Castle in Oyaguchi, Matsudo-shi, during the Sengoku period.

花輪城:北条氏政と結託して下総を領有した高城胤吉の居城 花輪城【日本の歴史 お城特集】

Takagi-shi (Takagi clan) was the vassals where Chiba-shi (Chiba clan) belonged, and it was given to Hojo after Konodai no Tatakai (War in Konodai) occurred between Yoshiaki Ashikaga and Yoshitaka Satomi, who were Kokujin-shu (powerful families in a province) that had their base in Kogane Castle in Shimousanokuni Katsushikagun Kogane (Current Matsudo-shi in Chiba prefecture),
and it was given to Hojo after Konodai no Tatakai (War in Konodai) occurred between. It has been considered as a territory of Hojo since then.

1358-1 Shimohaawa, Nagareyama-shi, Chiba


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