Odate Castle (Ino Taira Castle)[The feature on the castles; Japanese history]

大館城(飯野平城)/アクセス・地図・場所 戦国大名 岩城常隆が伊達政宗と渡り合った本城 大館城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Castle name]
Odate Castle (Ino Taira Castle)
Iwaki Tsunetaka fought against Date Masamune in this castle.

Odate Castle was a castle on a hill in Yoshima Town, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture
It is said to have built by Iwaki Tsunetaka, a lord in the warring states period, in the 15th year of Bummei.

大館城(飯野平城)/アクセス・地図・場所 戦国大名 岩城常隆が伊達政宗と渡り合った本城 大館城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Tsunetaka fought with other families nearby again and again. They were the Ashina family, the Soma family, the Tamura family and the Date family. They put Tsunetaka gradually increasing pressure. In the 18th year of the Tensho period (A.D.1590), Tsunetaka fought for Hideyoshi in Odawara Conquest. So, Hideyoshi ensured his estate.

大館城(飯野平城)/アクセス・地図・場所 戦国大名 岩城常隆が伊達政宗と渡り合った本城 大館城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

After that, Tsunetaka died for a disease and Iwaki Sadataka succeeded the Iwaki family. He was the third son of Satake Yoshishige. In the 5th year of the Keicho period (A.D.1600), he accompanied his brother Sadataka Yoshinobu during the Battle of Sekigahara. As a result, he was deprived of Iwaki 120000 kokus estate.

大館城(飯野平城)/アクセス・地図・場所 戦国大名 岩城常隆が伊達政宗と渡り合った本城 大館城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

However, later, he was forgiven and got Kawanaka Jima 10000 kokus estate. The heir Iwaki Yoshitaka was moved to Dewa Kameda Domain. The Iwaki family ruled the domain until the Meiji Restoration. Regarding Odate Castle, after the Battle of Sekigahara, in the 7th year of the Keicho period, Tori Tadamasa got in charge of the castle with 100000 kokus estate. However, it was destroyed because he built Iwaki Taira Castle in the east of it.

Odate Jinai, Shimoyoshima, Yoshima Town, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture


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