[Castle Name]
Hachiman Mountain Castle
The residende of Toyotomi Hidetsugu who conquered most places of Anto Castle
Hachiman Mountain Castle is well known as the residence of [Hashiba Hidetsugu]. It is a mountain castle located in Miyauchi Town, Yawata City, Omi, Shiga Province.
When Oda Nobunaga died in Honno Temple Chaos, in the conflict of Oda Administration, Hashiba Hideyoshi attacked Kishu in Tensho 11 year (1583) and Tensho 13 year (1585), after that the battles between four counties continued.
Hideyoshi’s nephew [Hashiba Hidetsugu (Toyotomi Hidetsugu] was awarded 430000 stones in Yawata Omi and he built [Hachiman Mountain Castle] close to Anto Castle. It seems that it has used a lot of Anto Castle remains to build.
Tensho 18 year (1590), Hidetsugu moved to [Kiyosu Castle] of Owari, instead [Kyogoku Takatsugu] entered the castle at 28000 stones. However, Bunroku 4 year (1595), Toyotomi Hidetsugu killed himself and [Kyogoku Takatsugu] moved to Outsu Castle. [Hachiman Mountain Castle] became abandoned 10 years after it was built.
It is predicted that Hachiman Mountain Castle is a big scale castle with Honmaru, Ninomaru, North Maru, West Maru, Demaru, etc, it also has Tenshu. The bending wheel, stones, empty moats, Hidetsugu residence ruins are left.
[Hachiman Mountain Castle address, access ]
〒523-0828 19-9 Miyauchi Town, Yawata City, Omi, Shiga Province
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