Namazue Castle [Castle special collection Japanese history]

鯰江城/アクセス・場所・地図 織田信長の上洛戦で敗れた六角義賢・義治父子を迎え入れた鯰江貞景の鯰江城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Castle Name]
Namazue Castle

[Introduction of Namazue Castle]
Namazue Castle is a flatland-mountain Castle, which located in Namezue Town, Higashiomi City, Shiga Province. It was supposed to have been ruled by Mr. Namazue who had dominated this area.

鯰江城/アクセス・場所・地図 織田信長の上洛戦で敗れた六角義賢・義治父子を迎え入れた鯰江貞景の鯰江城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

During Muromachi Era, Mr. Namazue belonged to Mr. Rokkaku and had extended his influence. Therefore, in Eiroku 11 year (1568), he welcomed the owner of Kanonji Castle, Rokkaku Yoshitaka and Yoshimasa to Namezue Castle when Kanonji Castle fell down by Oda Nobunaga at Jyoraku Battle.

鯰江城/アクセス・場所・地図 織田信長の上洛戦で敗れた六角義賢・義治父子を迎え入れた鯰江貞景の鯰江城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Since then, in order to rebuild Mr. Rokkaku’s influence, he continued to fight against Oda Nobunaga. In Tensho 1 year (1573) September, Nobunaga’s vassal [shibata Katsuya] and other forces attacked Namezue Castle, and the castle finally fell down. After that, [Sadaharu], the son of Namezue Sadakage, followed Toyotomi Hideyoshi and got a residence in Osaka. Later, he named it Namezue.

鯰江城/アクセス・場所・地図 織田信長の上洛戦で敗れた六角義賢・義治父子を迎え入れた鯰江貞景の鯰江城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Nowadays, Namazue ruins has become a residential area, only a part of the foundation and stone monuments are left.

鯰江城/アクセス・場所・地図 織田信長の上洛戦で敗れた六角義賢・義治父子を迎え入れた鯰江貞景の鯰江城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Namazue Castle• Address• Access]
〒527-0172 1310 Namazue Town, Higashiomi City, Shiga Province

[Map of Namazue Castle]

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