Nakiri Castle (Nakiri Fortress)
Namikiri Castle was located on Nakiri Daio-cho Shima-shi, Mie. The scale of the castle was so big that it might be also called as a fortress.
Mr. Kawatsura from a wealthy local family built this castle as a natural fortification on a
coastal terrace during Nanbokucho era, In Joji period, Takayoshi Kuki from the Kuki clan
who had been ruling the land of Kii unexpectedly seized the castle and kicked out the
Kawatsura clan.
Since then, Namikiri Castle was under the control of the Kuki clan. The casle had been the headquarter for the Kuki clan until Yoshitaka Kuki, the sixth chief of the clan conqured the entire land of Shima in 1594 and built Toba Castle as a new headquarter. As they moved to Toba Castle, Nakiri Castle completed its job as a fortress and became an abandoned castle.
The Nakiri Castle ruin has been maintained as a park, but there is only a few bit of stone fences remaining.
119 Nakiri Daio-cho Shima-shi, Mie 517-0603
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