Hasedo Castle[Castle Special Topic Japanese History]

長谷堂城/アクセス・場所・地図 慶長出羽合戦で直江兼続の激しい攻撃に耐え抜いた最上家の長谷堂城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Castle name]
Hasedo castle
where Mr. Mogami survived the attack of Naoe Kanetsugu at the Battle of Dewa

Hasedo Castle is a mountain castle located in Hasedo, Yamagata City, Yamagata Province. The castle built time is unknown, but it is recorded that [Date Tanemune] attacked Hasedo Castle, the important sub-castle of Mr. Mogami, and they signed alliance.

長谷堂城/アクセス・場所・地図 慶長出羽合戦で直江兼続の激しい攻撃に耐え抜いた最上家の長谷堂城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Keicho 5 year (1600), when the Battle of Sekigahara occurred, [Mogami Yoshimitsu] who belonged the East army was attacked by [Naoe Kanetsugu] who belonged to the West.

長谷堂城/アクセス・場所・地図 慶長出羽合戦で直江兼続の激しい攻撃に耐え抜いた最上家の長谷堂城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Hasedo Castle] was on the way and they fought fiercely around the castle. (The Battle of Hasedo Castle) The castle owner of Hasedo Castle was [Shimura Akiyasu] and he stayed in the castle with roughly 1000 stones. Hasedo Castle was strong, and on top of that there was marshland around the castle.

長谷堂城/アクセス・場所・地図 慶長出羽合戦で直江兼続の激しい攻撃に耐え抜いた最上家の長谷堂城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

When Ishida Mitsunari’s army was defeated, [Nao Kanetsugu] decided to escape to Aizu Castle. After the battle, [Saka Akihide] was appointed as the castle owner and after him his son [Saka Akishige] inherited.

長谷堂城/アクセス・場所・地図 慶長出羽合戦で直江兼続の激しい攻撃に耐え抜いた最上家の長谷堂城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Genwa 8 year (1622) Mr. Mogami’s family had some conflict, and [Mogami Yoshitoshi] was replaced and their territories were forfeited. Hasedo Castle was also forfeited by Uesugi Kagekatsu and later it was damaged.

長谷堂城/アクセス・場所・地図 慶長出羽合戦で直江兼続の激しい攻撃に耐え抜いた最上家の長谷堂城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

A [Castle Park] is built on the current castle ruins and the castle remaining has nothing left.

〒990-2363 176 Hasedo, Yamagata City, Yamagata Province


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