Sunpu Castle[Castle Special Topic Japanese History]

駿府城/アクセス・場所・地図 室町幕府より今川家が拝領し戦国時代以降は今川義元・徳川家が領した駿府城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Castle name]
Sunpu Castle
Occupied by Imagawa clan since Murumachi Bakufu, Occupied by Yoshimoto Imagawa and Tokugawa clan after Sengoku era

Sunpu Castle built in Muromachi era when Imagawa clan took over the land of Suruga. After Imagawa clan became a Sengoku Daimyo from Shugo Daimyo, head of clan, Yoshimoto Imagawa was slain by Nobunaga Oda’s surprise attack (Battle of Okehazama).

駿府城/アクセス・場所・地図 室町幕府より今川家が拝領し戦国時代以降は今川義元・徳川家が領した駿府城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

His successor Ujizane Imagawa did not take revenge or control his ministers; making him a good prey for Shingen Takeda and Ieyasu Tokugawa. Ujizane never appeared in history after fleeing to Houjyo clan.

Started as just allies, Ieyasu Tokugawa was becoming one of advisors for Nobunaga. Ieyasu moved his base to Sunpu Castle after given control of Suruga and improved infrastructure of cities around the castle.

駿府城/アクセス・場所・地図 室町幕府より今川家が拝領し戦国時代以降は今川義元・徳川家が領した駿府城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

But after Hideyoshi Toyotomi took control of Japan, he was forced to move to Edo with an order to rule the Kanto region of today, which belonged to Hojo clan.

駿府城/アクセス・場所・地図 室町幕府より今川家が拝領し戦国時代以降は今川義元・徳川家が領した駿府城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Ieyasu stayed in Sunpu Castle after retirement, but Tadanaga Tokugawa, brother of 3rd general Iemitsu ruled the area after Ieyasu’s death. Tadanaga could not give up his ambitions to become a shogun, and was forced to suicide in the end.

駿府城/アクセス・場所・地図 室町幕府より今川家が拝領し戦国時代以降は今川義元・徳川家が領した駿府城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Sunpu Castle changed its owner several times till Meiji Restoration. Sunpu Castle in Suruga was the area given to Tokugawa clan by new government force after giving up Edo Castle.

駿府城/アクセス・場所・地図 室町幕府より今川家が拝領し戦国時代以降は今川義元・徳川家が領した駿府城【お城特集 日本の歴史】


Sunpu Park, 1-1 Ooi-ku Shizuoka-Shi, Shizuoka 420-0855


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