Togamure Castle[The feature on the castles; Japanese history]

栂牟礼城/アクセス・場所・地図 佐伯惟治が築城し関ヶ原の戦い後は毛利高政の入封により廃城となった栂牟礼城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

[Castle name]
Togamure castle
Built by Saeki Koreharu, and abandoned because of Mouri Takamasa’s promotion after the Battle of Sekigahara.

Togamure Castle is a mountain castle located in Saiki City, Oita Province.
The castle built year is unknown, But it is said that the castle was built by Saeki Koreharu during Daiei Period.

栂牟礼城/アクセス・場所・地図 佐伯惟治が築城し関ヶ原の戦い後は毛利高政の入封により廃城となった栂牟礼城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Daiei 7 year (1527), he was suspected that there was an attempt to sonspitate the master [Outomo Yoshiaki], and [Usuki Nagakage] attacked by roughly 20000 soldiers. However, Togamure Castle had the natural advantages, at that time, the castle was being protected wonderfully. After that, Koreharu handed over the castle and backed to Hyoga Country.

栂牟礼城/アクセス・場所・地図 佐伯惟治が築城し関ヶ原の戦い後は毛利高政の入封により廃城となった栂牟礼城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

However, he was killed on the way. After that, it is considered that Togamure Castle wa ruled by Mr. Saeki, but Tensho 6 year (1578), Mr. Outomo was greatly defeated by Shimazu army.

栂牟礼城/アクセス・場所・地図 佐伯惟治が築城し関ヶ原の戦い後は毛利高政の入封により廃城となった栂牟礼城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

At that time, Saeki Korenori, Koremasa died, the son of Koremasa [Saeki Koresada] inherited. Mr. Outomo escaped from being destroyed because of Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s reinforcement. When Outomo Sorin died, [Yoshimune] inherited, and he escaped in front of the enemy at the Battle of Korea. As a result, Mr. Outomo was replaced.

栂牟礼城/アクセス・場所・地図 佐伯惟治が築城し関ヶ原の戦い後は毛利高政の入封により廃城となった栂牟礼城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

At that time, Mr. Saeki also lost the territories .After that, the details of Togamure Castle was unknown for a while, and Keicho 5 year (1600), [Mouri Takamasa] was awarded Saeki with 20000 stones.

栂牟礼城/アクセス・場所・地図 佐伯惟治が築城し関ヶ原の戦い後は毛利高政の入封により廃城となった栂牟礼城【お城特集 日本の歴史】

Takamasa thought [Togamure Castle] did not match modern castle, he prepared to build a new castle [Saiki Castle]. Therefore, [Togamure Castle] became abandoned. Soil, moats, stones are left on the current castle ruins.

Kamioka, Saiki City, Oita Province (Togamure Mountain)


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