Archive for the ‘ Castle in the sky ’ Category
Takeda castle(The castle in the sky)
[Castle name] Takeda Castle A typical mountain castle Akamatsu Hirohide made big improvement surrounded by o…Read more -
Echizen Ono Castle[Castle Special Topic Japanese History]
[Castle name] Echizen Ono Castle Build by Nobunaga’s vassal Kanamori Nagachika, Echizen Ono castle (Castle i…Read more -
Tsuwano Castle (Sanbonmatsu Castle)[The feature on the castles; Japanese history]
[Castle name] Tsuwano Castle (Sanbonmatsu Castle) Tsuwano castle was where Masanori Came resided, also known…Read more -
Okao Castle [Castle Special Topic Japanese History]
[Castle name] Okao Castle Great general Chousokabe Motochika’s feudal lord castle Okao Castle. [Descripti…Read more
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