[Castle name]
Ishikawa Castle (Miyoshi Castle)
Ishikawa Akimitsu, who didn’t work for Hideyoshi in Hojo Conquest and deprived of his feudal estate and status, live in this castle.
Ishikawa Castle (Miyoshi Castle) used to stand in Ishikawa Town, Ishikawa District, Fukushima Prefecture.
Late the Heian period, Ishikawa Arimitsu built Fujita Castle in Shirakawa district. After that, he built his house in the area, where it is convenient to use water transportation. This was the beginning of Ishikawa Castle (Miyoshi Castle).
The Ishikawa family prospered as one of the Street Seven Families and fought with provinces nearby again and again. They gradually lost their territory. Then the family adopted the fourth son of Date Harumune and got a help of the Date family.
During Hojo Conquest of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Ishikawa Akimitsu, the head of the family, didn’t attend the battle. So the family was deprived of their feudal estate and status. Same time, Ishikawa Castle was destroyed, too.
Akimitsu was accepted at the Date family as a senior statesman because he was an uncle of Date Masamune. Akimitsu was given Kakuda Castle with 21000 kokus estate in Igu district, part of the Date estate. The Ishikawa family spend the Edo period as the first retainer of the Date family.
Shimoizumi, Ishikawa Town, Ishikawa District, Fukushima Prefecture
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